Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yesterday morning, I got up early to go on a long run. At 6am I jumped out of bed, ate a full breakfast, drove to the Presidio, and was at the trail by 715am. Oliver joined me for the last half of the run, and afterward, we grabbed an early lunch at Nick's Crispy Tacos. The run, the sights, the conversation, the outdoors, and the food were so rewarding!

I was back home by 11:30am with a full day ahead me, and the experience was better than any indulgent, post-alarm sleep I have ever had. Here's to the morning! Below is a picture of the city I took right before starting.

1 comment:

Lauren D said...

And THAT is what keeps bringing your sister and I back - every Saturday - early as hell - outside. Awesome, isn't it?!